Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jump Rope Fitness Workouts For Home

Like many classics, jumping rope for fitness is often dismissed or forgotten. However, it remains a fantastic way to lose fat, increase cardiovascular conditioning, and improve athletic foot speed and reaction time.

Jump ropes are cheap, portable, and take up almost no room to store or use. I've had a lot of success with jump ropes as training tools for both my clients and myself. Here are a few workouts I've put together for you to try.

Workout Number One: "Mixed Steps"

You're going to use four different steps here. The first is just the classic two-footed jump. This is what most people think of when they imagine jumping rope. Jump with both feet together over the rope as it passes.

Step number two is a "double under". The Double Under just like a normal jump except you pass the rope under your feet twice with every jump. It'll require a little more jump and faster hands.

Step three is the jogging jump rope. This requires a little bit of space, like a long hallway or an open room. You're going to jog forward while jumping rope. I know, that sounds like rubbing your belly and patting your head at the same time, but it's not as hard as it sounds once you get the rhythm. I actually have some clients that find it easier than the normal jump.

Step four is the one-legged hop. It's just like a normal jump but hold one leg up in the air so it never comes in contact with the ground.

Ok, here's your workout:

10 Normal Jumps

10 Double Unders

20 Jogging Jump Steps

10 One-legged Hops on Each side.

That workout is scalable to your ability, too. If you're a beginner than drop it down to 5 steps each, and if you're advanced then the sky is the limit!

Workout Number Two: "Fight Round"

Ok, this is a timed workout based on a boxing or mixed martial art fight. You're combining jumping rope with three fight-simulating movements. Repeat this sequence as many times as possible in three minutes, rest one minute, and repeat until you've done 3-5 rounds.

15 Normal Jumps

10 Punches from the Guard Position for each arm*

15 Normal Jumps

10 Hindu Push-ups

15 Normal Jumps

10 Thai Knees with each leg**

*Punches from the Guard Position: You're simulating punching from the jiu-jitsu guard position. Lie on your back and elevate your knees. Cross your feet and hold them up at about 45 degrees. Imagine that you're holding an opponent between your thighs. Now punch upward, alternating hands, towards the ceiling. Think about punching the trapped opponent. Make sure the back of your punching shoulder comes off of the ground to activate your abdominals. You may hold some light dumbbells while doing this for added resistance.

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